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CK Calvin Klein Watches

Calvin Klein (CK) watch is an amazing accessory for being exclusive and elegant; it perfectly epitomizes this well-known brand’s understanding for fashion and is something that is destined to make an important impact on the outfit it is matched with, although it is an accessory.

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CK watches for men and women

The famous brand targets its creations to both male and female audiences.

Both categories of products, so Calvin Klein men’s and women’s watch, are joined by the same stylistic identity, which proposes a luxury and refined design.


Other common denominator between the men’s and women’s models matches their great sobriety: these watches are characterized by a marked elegance, after all, it is typical of the Calvin Klein style to be able to make accessories and clothing special without being excessively flashy.


On each proposal of this brand, whether it is a Calvin Klein women’s or men’s watches, the brand name of the manufacturer cannot be missing, offered in full or with the famous CK logo.


The men’s watch has a bold and extremely elegant appeal, and it is possible to choose between leather strap variants and models equipped with a steel strap.

The women’s watch, meanwhile, is fashioned in many different ways, generally presenting a more delicate and sophisticated structure.

Women, too, have a way to choose between models with leather straps and all steel variants, and those looking for a braver, more original style are not at all disappointed either: in fact, some models sport bright and bright colors, or unusual and interesting decorative themes.

Calvin Klein watches: the prices

For a Calvin Klein watch, prices range: it is clear that we are certainly not talking about “cheap” watches that can be purchased for a few tens of euros, but proposals from one of the most renowned brands in the world. In fact, the price generally ranges from 100 to 300 euros.

However, in proportion to their excellent quality, anyway, it can be said without question that the price of a Calvin Klein watch is not forbidding at all; in fact, it is quite favorable to the consumer.

Why you should buy on Vitagliano Shop

Buying on Vitagliano shop you are absolutely sure to take home an original watch, this is a very important thing where we talk about accessories signed by such great brands.

Attempts to counterfeit are uncountable, some of them really difficult to detect, which is why being certain of authenticity is something you cannot trade on.

valeria rosetti
valeria rosetti
Bello bellissimo....ho comprato un regalo per la figlia di un amica.....grande scelta e tutti articoli di gran gusto .
raffaele bagnarola
raffaele bagnarola
Ho avuto il piacere di parlare direttamente con il Signor Vitagliano dopo aver trovato sul suo negozio online un orologio di mio interesse. Persona Estremamente gentile e disponibile. Ho ordinato l'orologio il fine settimana e ritirato il lunedì pomeriggio. Posso dire di essere pienamente soddisfatto sia del contatto avuto telefonicamente sia del servizio spedizione e confezionamento dell'oggetto ordinato. Consiglio pienamente la Gioielleria Vitagliano.
Manuela De Curtis
Manuela De Curtis
Dei veri professionisti e intenditori di gioielli di qualità. Personale super attento alla clientela, e bellissimi gioielli di tutte le fasce di prezzo. Garanzis assicurata
Fiorella Liguori
Fiorella Liguori
Semplicemente super!
Maria Teresa Cudemo
Maria Teresa Cudemo
Mia gioielleria di riferimento da sempre. Oggetti bellissimi, grande gusto e originalità, personale gentile e qualificato. Consigliatissima.
Giovanni Ponticelli
Giovanni Ponticelli
Qualità e cortesia senza uguali a Napoli.
Raffaello Pistilli
Raffaello Pistilli
Oggetti di grande gusto, ampia scelta, esperienza e cortesia: il posto ideale per acquisti personali mai banali e per regali bellissimi.
Cortesia, qualità e professionalità. Una scelta meravigliosa e di gusto, oltre che ampia per soddisfare diverse esigenze (di stile e budget). Proprietari e personale gentilissimo. Consigliata. Ci tornerò sicuramente, per me e per fare bei regali.
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